Thursday, February 20, 2014

Will John Mayer & Katy Perry Make It To The Altar?

Photo Credit: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

John Mayer is a Libra 10/16/77 which is the 6 of clubs. Sixes are about taking responsibility and the clubs are information, intellect, knowledge. Katy is an intense Scorpio 10 of hearts born on 10/25/84. They have big love, fireworks attraction & ISSUES! Can he walk his talk and overcome his indecision, perfectionism, freedom issues and fears? He is trying to get healthy, change his lifestyle and stage a comeback. He wants her to change some HABITS & ditch some friends! I see DELAYS up ahead. I want these two to make it and i'm rooting for them because they appear to be soul mates....that said...Marriage is more than BIG requires BIG WORK & DOING THE DAY IN AND THE DAY OUT.  It is another JOB..these two can totally make it if they dig deep, get some counseling & work on their  hang ups...and IF THEY WANT IT BAD ENOUGH!! This marriage would be a JOB...DO they have the time,patience, maturity, and unconditional love to see it through?? Love Can Find a Way..! Come back soon and let me know who you would like to see me blog about next. Until next time xoxo Tracy

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