Monday, February 10, 2014

CONSEQUENCES..The Woody Allen show & The four of Diamonds

I did a quick peak of the cards amid all of this drama regarding Woody Allen and his adopted
 daughter, Dylan. He was born on December 1st, which makes him a 4 of diamonds and he is currently
 78 years young :)  I'd upload a pix of the 78th quadrant but Mercury is retro and my Samsung Galaxy S4 got stolen yesterday! So I'll upload it soon! In the meantime...I wanted to see if I could figure out the truth behind the allegations of alleged incest via using the cards and the Mystic Quad system............
 I don't think SO!
 Sorry..but here is what I DO SEE and what I have to say...In the Life Spread, the four of diamond sits in the Venus/Neptune position. Venus=relationships...Neptune=All things mystical, spiritual, creative, confusing, secretive, addictive, religious, metaphysical, hidden, glamorous, foggy, artistic, and vague... ...  where...things can LOOK one way...but are not ALWAYS what they seem... Hmmm...A lot can be said about Woody Allen, but chances are...what we see IS NOT WHAT WE GET. The truth about him and his conduct will always be shrouded in a curtain of Neptunean mystery...Right now, his four of diamond cards has moved to the 8 of hearts. Heart cards have to do with relationships and people. The 8=power...hence his recent awards and tribute by his colleague, actress, Diane Keaton. If you follow his cards up to the crown row...which is what happens for him natally in the 78th year...It's  amazing. The four of diamonds has the 6 of clubs in Mars..(career,work,physical body,physical drive.) The 6 of spades in Jupiter. Jupiter is usually considered the Santa Claus of the zodiac and the great benefic. Jupiter expands whatever it touches...The 6's are about responsibility, relationships ,facing the truth and the 6's are connected to the boomerang effect...
meaning... WHAT WE PUT OUT..EVENTUALLY COMES BACK. The fact that his natal 6 of spades falls in the Saturn position in the Crown row suggests that this public outing by Dylan and the consequences to his reputation are DIRECTLY RELATED to his conduct in his relationship to MIA FARROW. The cards do not suggest (TO ME) whether there has been actual incest occurring between Woody Allen and his adopted daughter, Dylan. I see a reflection of his marriage to his adopted daughter and him being judged publicly for how that behavior was perceived. Again...The Ace of spades sits in Neptune...The card of secrets in the Neptune position of secrets....The cards suggest that there is much hidden but we will never glimpse the truth..thanks for reading...let me know who you would like me to blog about next...xxoo Tracy

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