Monday, February 10, 2014

Ellen & Portia ..Is This The Beginning of THE END?

*** Photo by FameFlynet****** 

Both just had a birthday. Ellen has her 16 degree Moon in Aries being stalked by status- quo -shaker planet, Uranus..and it will be conjunct by this summer. OMG...Portia just turned 41 on 1/31. She is in the last year of a seven year cycle that began for her when she turned 38. Yup..She is gonna be feeling the signs and symptoms of a 7 year itch. Ya can't blame that on Ellen OR ANYONE ELSE. Change is in the air for BOTH of these campers and IT IS WHAT IT IS..Let's look a lit bit closer and pull back the astrological/numberlogical curtain and dig...Ellen is an 1/26 Aquarian/ Ace of Diamonds with an 14 Sag rising and a 16 Aries moon. A fiery leader not a follower with perhaps not always the most patient attitude and who ??? NEEDS  to learn a tad bit of diplomacy..hee hee...nuf said. Portia is no angel either...(none of us are...see...truth is...we are HUMAN!) Portia is a 9 of clubs born on 1/31. We have an old soul=9 who is learning to use her mind and her thoughts (clubs) to GIVE to others...Has anyone read her book called, "Unbearable Lightness"?  LOL...Heavy stuff for a book about lightness :) Soooo the 9's are ruled by Mars...hello Ellen's Aries is no doormat when she has had ENUF!! The 9 of clubs sits in the Venus/Saturn row. Portia is learning how to be in a relationship and how to be a partner without losing herself...(not easy!) In the 41st year (now) Portia's 9 of clubs is sitting in the Venus/Uranus position. This is a position that pertains to moving & real estate matters...and (Venus) relationship. Uranus is the planet that DEMANDS!  we make change when we  have outgrown our current lifestyle. Portia has the 7 of spades in Mars. Spades are health,lifestyle and work- related. The number 7 can bring disappointment because those matters are not working out the way SHE EXPECTS! She may need to focus on her health, energy level and physical body before she can do ANYTHING ELSE. Faith ,Fearlessness,Gratitude, & surrender are what works best when beset by the energy of a 7. Portia has the Queen of Hearts ..(the inner card to the 9 of clubs) in SATURN. The Queen of Hearts represents the wife, the beauty, & sexuality...and she has this in SATURN. That would suggest to me that she is not feeling those things INSIDE HERSELF at the moment. How can she offer those things in the partnership..if she does not feel them? Who could? soo...This isn't about blaming Ellen for their is to suggest that love is an inside job.
Ellen just turned 56. Her Ace of Diamond card is sitting on the 7 of hearts. Do you see the pattern resonating between these two?  7=fear,disillusionment,disappointment,expectations NOT BEING MET. Hearts =relationships. So...guess what Ellen might be feeling? This isn't about Portia and their marriage breaking up. This is disappoinment because the IDEA that Ellen has in her mind/head about what this relationship should look  like RIGHT NOW and the currently REALITY ...DO NOT MATCH... OUCH...and it is stirring up issues...has been for awhile. There appears to be trust issues. Ellen has the Queen of Clubs in Neptune. Despite the marriage and the time they have spent together....she may not be feeling the LOVE from Portia...perhaps fears of having the rug pulled out from underneath her in previous relationships have led to mistrust. Perhaps she is uncertain and does not trust HERSELF and she projects this on Portia...Ahhhhh what a tangled web we campers WEAVE. I wish these two the best. Will they make it? The planet Uranus presides for both these amazing people. If they give each other space...(Uranus)...and reinvent their FRIENDSHIP...(Aquarius)...then anything can happen! Thanks for mail me or comment if you have a celebrity you would like me to blog about :) Please come back soon xoxo Tracy

And...That Said...The Truth is....."Love Can Find A Way!"

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