Thursday, February 6, 2014

It is so NOT OVER for 6 of Clubs, Jay Leno

Jay Leno was born on April 28th. He's currently 63 y/o and he's a 6 OF CLUBS. Quick look at his 63rd year reveals...9 of Diamondsmond in Uranus.. 9=GRADUATION/ yes...he is leaving the Tonight Show...but he has the King of Hearts in Neptune. The King of Hearts is the highest almighty card of showbiz in the deck! The King is the MASTER Neptune is the hangout for secrets...! The result card for the year is the ACE OF DIAMONDS. LOL New beginning with CAREER!.with the Queen of Diamonds ...He will be starting a new venture....Teaming up with a powerful (woman?) producer???Network??? Some of his cards do show him moving,renovating, or working on a big real estate project,as well. FYI..that his last "Tonight show occurs on the Mercury Retrograde...lots of omen's that he'll be BAACK!


  1. What Network will Jay go to now? Do you think he would collaborate with Oprah?? lol

  2. Hi must be a papsychic! LOL...It's so WEIRD..because OPRAH Came to my mind!! and then I saw a picture of her published with him during a send off for his last It may be one of the producers for her network that I saw him working with...Also...Ellen is coming to it might be a project that she suggests to him...or could also be another powerful/monied TV exec that is wanting to give him this opportunity? It may STILL BE IN THE MANIFESTATION STAGES..and not quite ready to emerge...I do feel he needs some "down town" and that there is a real estate project he /studio/development that he will be wanting to accomplish,'s almost as if he steps off this stage..and needs to exit stage right BEFORE his next act?? I hope that makes sense ...and again...thanks so much for reading ...hugs xxooo
