Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2/05/2014 More Card Revelations re: Beloved Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman =5 of Clubs

Philip Seymour Hoffman dead at 46; he was a 5 of Clubs born on July 23rd. The Daily News reported that the actor had 70 bags of heroin, as well as other prescription drugs in his home. Seventy glassine baggies of heroin, some with the words, "Ace of Spades" written on them, and others were stamped with the name "Ace of Hearts." Both are brands of heroin that are often cut with the powerful pain reliever called, fentanyl, and have become a plague in Pennsylvania, where they were used in 22 overdose deaths. I'll write more on this card blog about Phillip this week, but I want to note that in the 46th quadrant...(his age)... that Phillip's return Mars card was, ironically, the iconic Ace of Spades.  TMZ reports that he was on a heroin binge 6 weeks before he died (this coincides with his mars period), and told friends that he feared he was destined to fatally OD! Please note that .. The Ace of spades will certainly NOT always foreshadow a death!.. but SPADES RULE WORK,HEALTH AND OUR LIFESTYLE HABITS... Aces bring a desire for something new..and the Ace of spades CAN deliver a much needed transformation. It  also is  the card of secrets...it is the  symbol used for The Mystic Quadrate Card System I'm discussing, BECAUSE... The Mystic Quadrate, when interpreted correctly, can certainly REVEAL SECRETS!  That said, Mars does RULE  the physical body,(among other things)  Plus, the 5 of clubs has the Ace of Spades as the natural Venus card making its appearance this year even more telling and potent. His 5 of clubs card had moved to the Saturn row during this 46th year...RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE, STRUCTURE,HARD WORK..all things which can kick up intense anxiety, stress, and FEAR OF FAILURE.  The 5 of clubs was sitting on the 5 of hearts. Sitting on a five (since he is a FIVE) was another kicker stirring up the restless energy and need for much travel as well as the need to be in the spotlight in different locations to promote himself and to be at the  premiere of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire". ..Just a "LITTLE" pressure .... Another interesting correlation is of the many 3's that lined the saturn row in his 46th year. 3's are Jupiter ruled and Jupiter can expand desire leading to an inability to STOP.  His inner drama was intensified three fold and this fueled his anxiety...and being in the spotlight may have magnetized his demons making them harder then ever to manage. His cards show disappointment in himself ( 9hearts in Mars) and the 9's when not channeled properly can cause much anger leading to self destruction. There is much more to this story but it is 5:46 EST Atlanta, GA.Come back for more Celebrity Card Blog stories ...xo 7hearts/Tracy

More Card Revelations re: Beloved Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman =5 of Clubs

One thing that I have noticed when I am confronted with having a line up of 9's playing out in my year
 is that I NEED a healthy outlet for an accumulation of anger and frustration. When I cannot channel this into physical exercise and working out it can fester and cause bouts of self destructive behavior and DEPRESSION. Yuk. I want to finish up this blog about the sad and untimely death of  Phillip Seymour Hoffman by saying that with the number 3 and the planet Jupiter prominent that the pressure  he must have been feeling, especially, mentally because of the 3 of clubs was tremendous. Jupiter energy always strives to BRING MORE, BE MORE, DO MORE, GO FARTHER,GO FASTER. I can only imagine that at times there was sheer exhaustion from the excessive  demands & expectations of living with this trumped up mindset. The 3's create the  artist mentality...the creativity, the brillance...the DRAMA...BUT... WITH THIS does NOT necessarily come the self help manual to get the music to stop playing. And like the quote above so aptly has described...that becoming ANGRY at ourselves only digs us deeper into  a pattern. We are like a bull dog with a bone in its mouth that keeps holding on...when clearly the universe has been giving us signals that it is time to let GO. How dare the universe bring us this CRAP!  LOL :) The spiral down into self pity and old self defeating patterns has begun. Everything that I have read has mentioned that he tried to get help. He knew the volcano inside him could easily blow. He has been quoted saying that, " I know I am in trouble and I may end up DEAD." My only hope is that we can take what went terribly, terribly wrong in this situation and use this knowledge to help the next troubled soul who is  sliding down this slope. Sting said, "We are spiritual beings.....living in the material world..." FUN TIMES, LOL..Often, NOT SO MUCH..so... All we can do is LEARN..and do something DIFFERENT the  next time. I know, I know..easier said then DONE.  I hear ya...Listen...i'm on the path....I just READ the cards, ya'll......doesn't mean...THAT  I always know how to play em'.. and so....until we meet again for another dose of Celebrity Birth Cards Revealed....I hope you will come back and see me...Let me know about what you think about this blog and if there is anyone you would be interested in having me BLOG ABOUT...:)
RIP Phillip Seymour Hoffman. We will miss you!


  1. Your revelation is a huge reminder to all us!! Let go of our anger and our guilt! Amazing insight Tracy!

    1. Thank U so much for your kind words! (Thank you also for the kindness and empat1hy about my phone..lol :) Yes! You and I should abolish anger and guilt...:) And when we get done doing that...how about we end World Hunger,too...lol...love u ..great working with you and thanks for reading my blog...hugs

  2. Do you do readings? You did one for me 7 years ago and I wanted to get another.
