Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday Chelsea Handler!

Chelsea Handler was born on February 25th, 1975 and she turns 39 years young TOMORROW. This birthday corresponds to the King Of Clubs card which is the highest card in the deck in regards to communications, intellect, & independence. Kings are royalty and clubs rule knowledge and information. She was born to born to shock us with her original way of thinking and ability to do exactly the OPPOSITE of what everyone expects. Chelsea has several important 9′s in her path this year which means that on many levels she has spiritually outgrown the work she has been doing and SHE WANTS TO MOVE ON!  She will be yearning for change and be even more restless than usual. I see her  pulling inward to do soul searching and to focus on spirituality. She may travel, perhaps invest in some real estate that has a sanctuary like quality & she will temporarily pull away from being in the spotlight. Enjoy your time out Chelsea, you deserve it!

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