Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday Chelsea Handler!

Chelsea Handler was born on February 25th, 1975 and she turns 39 years young TOMORROW. This birthday corresponds to the King Of Clubs card which is the highest card in the deck in regards to communications, intellect, & independence. Kings are royalty and clubs rule knowledge and information. She was born to born to shock us with her original way of thinking and ability to do exactly the OPPOSITE of what everyone expects. Chelsea has several important 9′s in her path this year which means that on many levels she has spiritually outgrown the work she has been doing and SHE WANTS TO MOVE ON!  She will be yearning for change and be even more restless than usual. I see her  pulling inward to do soul searching and to focus on spirituality. She may travel, perhaps invest in some real estate that has a sanctuary like quality & she will temporarily pull away from being in the spotlight. Enjoy your time out Chelsea, you deserve it!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Will John Mayer & Katy Perry Make It To The Altar?

Photo Credit: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

John Mayer is a Libra 10/16/77 which is the 6 of clubs. Sixes are about taking responsibility and the clubs are information, intellect, knowledge. Katy is an intense Scorpio 10 of hearts born on 10/25/84. They have big love, fireworks attraction & ISSUES! Can he walk his talk and overcome his indecision, perfectionism, freedom issues and fears? He is trying to get healthy, change his lifestyle and stage a comeback. He wants her to change some HABITS & ditch some friends! I see DELAYS up ahead. I want these two to make it and i'm rooting for them because they appear to be soul mates....that said...Marriage is more than BIG requires BIG WORK & DOING THE DAY IN AND THE DAY OUT.  It is another JOB..these two can totally make it if they dig deep, get some counseling & work on their  hang ups...and IF THEY WANT IT BAD ENOUGH!! This marriage would be a JOB...DO they have the time,patience, maturity, and unconditional love to see it through?? Love Can Find a Way..! Come back soon and let me know who you would like to see me blog about next. Until next time xoxo Tracy

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Who Are You, Bruce Jenner?

Bruce Jenner was born on Oct.28th, 1949. He's 64 years young, If you have seen pictures of Bruce in the tabloids lately it is almost SHOCKING. Long nails, long hair and he had his adam's apple shaved down.
Is he transitioning to a female right before our very eyes? What do his cards reveal to us about this?
Bruce, (like most of us), is a complicated GUY. He is the 7 of hearts card. 7's are a not-so-easy spiritual number for us folks who are living in the material world. Hearts are about relationships...and he has PLENTY of action in that respect with all of those Kardashians around ~wink~ Also, hearts are audience...and Bruce has been in the public eye since his Olympic Glory Days...Let's face...Like him...or hate him..the guy can attract some attention! That is what HEARTS DO!  I'll finish this blog tomorrow...forgive me but I have been writing ALL NIGHT and it's suddenly 6:07 AM EST in Atlanta...the rule is to somehow get to sleep BEFORE THE SUN COMES UP..unless you have been out dancing.
Bruce has the Ace of Hearts card in Neptune for this 64th year? So what does that mean?? Neptune rules our hopes and our fears. Neptune is is an area of fog...a blind spot. It suggests that Bruce is trying to figure out ...(WITH ALL THE REST OF US)...who he is? His image gets projected back to us from the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and the media...but who is that sensitive soul behind the mask.? Is his  fear of disappointing himself & others...holding him back?? He is a 7 of hearts...the counselor, the deep,compassionate,sensitive, feeling soul that was once an Olympic athlete.. a celebrity, a public figure..he's a husband,a father,a step-father,a grandfather,a loyal and amazing friend, a giver, a wise human being who may be a bit lost at the moment....He is reinventing himself. Lets root for him and hope he can tap into the deep well of courage that HE change whatever is fitting on the outside...because he is still going to be the same great guy on the inside...(more about the details of his cards in his 64th year ...later...Thanks for reading...Come back and see me soon...xxoo Tracy

Monday, February 10, 2014

Ellen & Portia ..Is This The Beginning of THE END?

*** Photo by FameFlynet****** 

Both just had a birthday. Ellen has her 16 degree Moon in Aries being stalked by status- quo -shaker planet, Uranus..and it will be conjunct by this summer. OMG...Portia just turned 41 on 1/31. She is in the last year of a seven year cycle that began for her when she turned 38. Yup..She is gonna be feeling the signs and symptoms of a 7 year itch. Ya can't blame that on Ellen OR ANYONE ELSE. Change is in the air for BOTH of these campers and IT IS WHAT IT IS..Let's look a lit bit closer and pull back the astrological/numberlogical curtain and dig...Ellen is an 1/26 Aquarian/ Ace of Diamonds with an 14 Sag rising and a 16 Aries moon. A fiery leader not a follower with perhaps not always the most patient attitude and who ??? NEEDS  to learn a tad bit of diplomacy..hee hee...nuf said. Portia is no angel either...(none of us are...see...truth is...we are HUMAN!) Portia is a 9 of clubs born on 1/31. We have an old soul=9 who is learning to use her mind and her thoughts (clubs) to GIVE to others...Has anyone read her book called, "Unbearable Lightness"?  LOL...Heavy stuff for a book about lightness :) Soooo the 9's are ruled by Mars...hello Ellen's Aries is no doormat when she has had ENUF!! The 9 of clubs sits in the Venus/Saturn row. Portia is learning how to be in a relationship and how to be a partner without losing herself...(not easy!) In the 41st year (now) Portia's 9 of clubs is sitting in the Venus/Uranus position. This is a position that pertains to moving & real estate matters...and (Venus) relationship. Uranus is the planet that DEMANDS!  we make change when we  have outgrown our current lifestyle. Portia has the 7 of spades in Mars. Spades are health,lifestyle and work- related. The number 7 can bring disappointment because those matters are not working out the way SHE EXPECTS! She may need to focus on her health, energy level and physical body before she can do ANYTHING ELSE. Faith ,Fearlessness,Gratitude, & surrender are what works best when beset by the energy of a 7. Portia has the Queen of Hearts ..(the inner card to the 9 of clubs) in SATURN. The Queen of Hearts represents the wife, the beauty, & sexuality...and she has this in SATURN. That would suggest to me that she is not feeling those things INSIDE HERSELF at the moment. How can she offer those things in the partnership..if she does not feel them? Who could? soo...This isn't about blaming Ellen for their is to suggest that love is an inside job.
Ellen just turned 56. Her Ace of Diamond card is sitting on the 7 of hearts. Do you see the pattern resonating between these two?  7=fear,disillusionment,disappointment,expectations NOT BEING MET. Hearts =relationships. So...guess what Ellen might be feeling? This isn't about Portia and their marriage breaking up. This is disappoinment because the IDEA that Ellen has in her mind/head about what this relationship should look  like RIGHT NOW and the currently REALITY ...DO NOT MATCH... OUCH...and it is stirring up issues...has been for awhile. There appears to be trust issues. Ellen has the Queen of Clubs in Neptune. Despite the marriage and the time they have spent together....she may not be feeling the LOVE from Portia...perhaps fears of having the rug pulled out from underneath her in previous relationships have led to mistrust. Perhaps she is uncertain and does not trust HERSELF and she projects this on Portia...Ahhhhh what a tangled web we campers WEAVE. I wish these two the best. Will they make it? The planet Uranus presides for both these amazing people. If they give each other space...(Uranus)...and reinvent their FRIENDSHIP...(Aquarius)...then anything can happen! Thanks for mail me or comment if you have a celebrity you would like me to blog about :) Please come back soon xoxo Tracy

And...That Said...The Truth is....."Love Can Find A Way!"

CONSEQUENCES..The Woody Allen show & The four of Diamonds

I did a quick peak of the cards amid all of this drama regarding Woody Allen and his adopted
 daughter, Dylan. He was born on December 1st, which makes him a 4 of diamonds and he is currently
 78 years young :)  I'd upload a pix of the 78th quadrant but Mercury is retro and my Samsung Galaxy S4 got stolen yesterday! So I'll upload it soon! In the meantime...I wanted to see if I could figure out the truth behind the allegations of alleged incest via using the cards and the Mystic Quad system............
 I don't think SO!
 Sorry..but here is what I DO SEE and what I have to say...In the Life Spread, the four of diamond sits in the Venus/Neptune position. Venus=relationships...Neptune=All things mystical, spiritual, creative, confusing, secretive, addictive, religious, metaphysical, hidden, glamorous, foggy, artistic, and vague... ...  where...things can LOOK one way...but are not ALWAYS what they seem... Hmmm...A lot can be said about Woody Allen, but chances are...what we see IS NOT WHAT WE GET. The truth about him and his conduct will always be shrouded in a curtain of Neptunean mystery...Right now, his four of diamond cards has moved to the 8 of hearts. Heart cards have to do with relationships and people. The 8=power...hence his recent awards and tribute by his colleague, actress, Diane Keaton. If you follow his cards up to the crown row...which is what happens for him natally in the 78th year...It's  amazing. The four of diamonds has the 6 of clubs in Mars..(career,work,physical body,physical drive.) The 6 of spades in Jupiter. Jupiter is usually considered the Santa Claus of the zodiac and the great benefic. Jupiter expands whatever it touches...The 6's are about responsibility, relationships ,facing the truth and the 6's are connected to the boomerang effect...
meaning... WHAT WE PUT OUT..EVENTUALLY COMES BACK. The fact that his natal 6 of spades falls in the Saturn position in the Crown row suggests that this public outing by Dylan and the consequences to his reputation are DIRECTLY RELATED to his conduct in his relationship to MIA FARROW. The cards do not suggest (TO ME) whether there has been actual incest occurring between Woody Allen and his adopted daughter, Dylan. I see a reflection of his marriage to his adopted daughter and him being judged publicly for how that behavior was perceived. Again...The Ace of spades sits in Neptune...The card of secrets in the Neptune position of secrets....The cards suggest that there is much hidden but we will never glimpse the truth..thanks for reading...let me know who you would like me to blog about next...xxoo Tracy

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It is so NOT OVER for 6 of Clubs, Jay Leno

Jay Leno was born on April 28th. He's currently 63 y/o and he's a 6 OF CLUBS. Quick look at his 63rd year reveals...9 of Diamondsmond in Uranus.. 9=GRADUATION/ yes...he is leaving the Tonight Show...but he has the King of Hearts in Neptune. The King of Hearts is the highest almighty card of showbiz in the deck! The King is the MASTER Neptune is the hangout for secrets...! The result card for the year is the ACE OF DIAMONDS. LOL New beginning with CAREER!.with the Queen of Diamonds ...He will be starting a new venture....Teaming up with a powerful (woman?) producer???Network??? Some of his cards do show him moving,renovating, or working on a big real estate project,as well. FYI..that his last "Tonight show occurs on the Mercury Retrograde...lots of omen's that he'll be BAACK!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2/05/2014 More Card Revelations re: Beloved Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman =5 of Clubs

Philip Seymour Hoffman dead at 46; he was a 5 of Clubs born on July 23rd. The Daily News reported that the actor had 70 bags of heroin, as well as other prescription drugs in his home. Seventy glassine baggies of heroin, some with the words, "Ace of Spades" written on them, and others were stamped with the name "Ace of Hearts." Both are brands of heroin that are often cut with the powerful pain reliever called, fentanyl, and have become a plague in Pennsylvania, where they were used in 22 overdose deaths. I'll write more on this card blog about Phillip this week, but I want to note that in the 46th quadrant...(his age)... that Phillip's return Mars card was, ironically, the iconic Ace of Spades.  TMZ reports that he was on a heroin binge 6 weeks before he died (this coincides with his mars period), and told friends that he feared he was destined to fatally OD! Please note that .. The Ace of spades will certainly NOT always foreshadow a death!.. but SPADES RULE WORK,HEALTH AND OUR LIFESTYLE HABITS... Aces bring a desire for something new..and the Ace of spades CAN deliver a much needed transformation. It  also is  the card of is the  symbol used for The Mystic Quadrate Card System I'm discussing, BECAUSE... The Mystic Quadrate, when interpreted correctly, can certainly REVEAL SECRETS!  That said, Mars does RULE  the physical body,(among other things)  Plus, the 5 of clubs has the Ace of Spades as the natural Venus card making its appearance this year even more telling and potent. His 5 of clubs card had moved to the Saturn row during this 46th year...RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE, STRUCTURE,HARD WORK..all things which can kick up intense anxiety, stress, and FEAR OF FAILURE.  The 5 of clubs was sitting on the 5 of hearts. Sitting on a five (since he is a FIVE) was another kicker stirring up the restless energy and need for much travel as well as the need to be in the spotlight in different locations to promote himself and to be at the  premiere of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire". ..Just a "LITTLE" pressure .... Another interesting correlation is of the many 3's that lined the saturn row in his 46th year. 3's are Jupiter ruled and Jupiter can expand desire leading to an inability to STOP.  His inner drama was intensified three fold and this fueled his anxiety...and being in the spotlight may have magnetized his demons making them harder then ever to manage. His cards show disappointment in himself ( 9hearts in Mars) and the 9's when not channeled properly can cause much anger leading to self destruction. There is much more to this story but it is 5:46 EST Atlanta, GA.Come back for more Celebrity Card Blog stories ...xo 7hearts/Tracy

More Card Revelations re: Beloved Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman =5 of Clubs

One thing that I have noticed when I am confronted with having a line up of 9's playing out in my year
 is that I NEED a healthy outlet for an accumulation of anger and frustration. When I cannot channel this into physical exercise and working out it can fester and cause bouts of self destructive behavior and DEPRESSION. Yuk. I want to finish up this blog about the sad and untimely death of  Phillip Seymour Hoffman by saying that with the number 3 and the planet Jupiter prominent that the pressure  he must have been feeling, especially, mentally because of the 3 of clubs was tremendous. Jupiter energy always strives to BRING MORE, BE MORE, DO MORE, GO FARTHER,GO FASTER. I can only imagine that at times there was sheer exhaustion from the excessive  demands & expectations of living with this trumped up mindset. The 3's create the  artist mentality...the creativity, the brillance...the DRAMA...BUT... WITH THIS does NOT necessarily come the self help manual to get the music to stop playing. And like the quote above so aptly has described...that becoming ANGRY at ourselves only digs us deeper into  a pattern. We are like a bull dog with a bone in its mouth that keeps holding on...when clearly the universe has been giving us signals that it is time to let GO. How dare the universe bring us this CRAP!  LOL :) The spiral down into self pity and old self defeating patterns has begun. Everything that I have read has mentioned that he tried to get help. He knew the volcano inside him could easily blow. He has been quoted saying that, " I know I am in trouble and I may end up DEAD." My only hope is that we can take what went terribly, terribly wrong in this situation and use this knowledge to help the next troubled soul who is  sliding down this slope. Sting said, "We are spiritual in the material world..." FUN TIMES, LOL..Often, NOT SO All we can do is LEARN..and do something DIFFERENT the  next time. I know, I know..easier said then DONE.  I hear ya...Listen...i'm on the path....I just READ the cards, ya'll......doesn't mean...THAT  I always know how to play em'.. and so....until we meet again for another dose of Celebrity Birth Cards Revealed....I hope you will come back and see me...Let me know about what you think about this blog and if there is anyone you would be interested in having me BLOG ABOUT...:)
RIP Phillip Seymour Hoffman. We will miss you!